Shiraz is one of the most important cities of Iran. This city is known as the city of flowers, poetry, lovers, and sour orange scent.
Some of the titles used for this city are the seat of governments, abode of knowledge, and the tower of saints. It’s a hub for visiting some of the most famous highlights of pre-Islamic Persia. In the 1970s, in the southwest of Shiraz, several Elamite tablets dating back to 2000 BC were found, which mentioned this city.
Medical Tourism
One other thing that makes this city famous is medical tourism, thanks to Mr. Mohammad Namazi. After he returned back to Iran from America, he found out that people in Shiraz are suffering from multiple diseases. In 1955 he built the most advanced hospital in the Middle East and a campus by it in Shiraz. He returned to America and invited Iranian students from John Hopkins, Berkeley, and Stanford universities to work in Shiraz.
This hospital and its university were so advanced that students and professors were being exchanged between here and the University of Pennsylvania. Up until the 1979 revolution, you could still see American professors teaching in its university.
The first heart, kidney, liver, and retina transplants in the Middle East were done in Shiraz as well. Even nowadays you see tons of tourists in Fars province for medical purposes.
History of Shiraz
In Persian mythologies, Tahmures, one of the kings, built Shiraz and defeated demons and wanted to destroy them. In exchange for their lives, they taught him how to write and other languages like Chinese, Turkish, Roman, Sogdian, and Arabic.
This city has always played a role in Iranian history. It was a crossroad to different parts of Iran and was used on the Silk Road as well. During the Mongols invasion of Iran, thanks to the ruler of Shiraz, they spared this city, and therefore this city became a sanctuary. So it turned into a center of art. Some of the most important poets of Shiraz are Hafez and Sa’adi.
Even nowadays you can find a lot of gardens in and around this city. Each of these gardens has its own unique stories, so you can have a great time there. Some of these gardens are Eram, Delgosha, Jahan Nama, Afif Abad, Narenjestane Ghavam, and so on. This is a city that you will never forget in your life.
How to reach Shiraz
Shiraz is accessible through many different methods. The easiest way is to fly to Shiraz International Airport.The other options to travel to this city are using the train, bus, and a private car.
Shiraz is one of the most important cities of Iran, which has witnessed some of the most important events taking place. From the Achaemenid Empire all the way to the modern day, there are things that can attract people to it. It’s a city you will never forget.